Sunday, July 11, 2010

Theresa Loustaunau-English 20-Cerritos College-Post #2-The Allegory of the Cave

"....and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move." I used to feel like I was chained up because my step-father never allowed me much freedom. When he was about thirteen years old, he got his girlfriend pregnant and now claims that I would do the same. I am eighteen years old with no child, going to college, and have three different jobs but he still thinks that I am a screw up like many of my family members. The things he say has brought me down in the past but now motivates me to do even better. Even today after seeing that I am trying to better myself he continues to say that I will not move foreward in life and that I will give up before I reach my goal. My mother always stands by my side and tells me that I can do whatever I put my mind to as long as I believe in myself. A few years ago, my mother used to allow me to go out and lie to her husband about where I was going just to avoid the arguement. Now that I pay rent I feel that I can have freedom as long as I am respecting their rules. My mother is not only my mother but my bestfriend because she has helped me by motivating me and believing in me.

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