Sunday, July 11, 2010

Theresa Loustaunau-English 20-Cerritos College-Post #1-Cathedral

I can actually relate to this story because when I was in a foster home my foster mother was diagnosed with glaucoma. When I was younger and immature, I felt embarrassed when we went out in public because everybody would stare. Once I grew older I saw the entire situation different. I began to help her out more and invite her to go places with me and saw no difference between her and a woman with perfect vision. "Goddamn it, his wife's just died." Once my foster dad died, she began to feel a little empty inside so I cheered her up. It was hard for her to get around because she was used to receiving help from her husband by being directed to where she needed to go. This just meant that it was time for me to step up and take action by helping her out. She did not drive so I helped her by running errands for her and doing whatever else she needed. She never smoked cannabis to try ato cure the disease so she just went to her regularly check-ups at the hospital.

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